Surely, one of the issues that worries you most when it comes to settling in a new city is health, its quality and also the breadth of the medical offer. In Madrid there are exceptional health services, both public and private.

Public health

In order to have regular access to it, it’s necessary to have a Health Card (“Tarjeta Sanitaria”) issued by the Community of Madrid. For these purposes, the Spanish Social Security distinguishes between the insured person and the beneficiary of the insured person. The Insured person is, among others, the worker (employed or self-employed -“autónomo” or freelance-) affiliated to the SS and in a registered situation. And the Beneficiary is the spouse and/or descendants of the Insured person. In short, if you’re working either for a company or on your own, you’re entitled to obtain this “Tarjeta” for you, your spouse and your children.

You can apply for the “Tarjeta Sanitaria” in person at the corresponding health centre according to your address or online if you have a digital certificate or electronic ID.

The most common services included are primary, specialized and emergency care. They are all detailed in this link: Primary care is received at health centres by appointment, which can be requested at this link or by going to the centre. To see a specialist, you must request an appointment through your primary care doctor.

Here you can find all health centres including primary care and emergency centres according to your home.

Read this post for further info about the stunning reality of doctors and hospitals in Madrid.

Private health

Although the Spanish (and Madrid) Public Health Service is one of the best in the world, there is the possibility of taking out private medical insurance.

These private insurances offer more flexibility and some advantages:

  • direct access to specialist doctors
  • faster to get appointments with specialists
  • more comfort for inpatient companions
  • possibility of access to alternative treatments and new techniques (in some cases)

Types of Health Insurance

Depending on the coverages included and the method of premium payment, we can distinguish:

Medical panel without co-payments
You pay a single premium (annual, quarterly or monthly) and you can go to the doctor’s office as many times as you wish without paying extra per visit.
You can choose from all the medical centres and health professionals that are part of its medical staff.

Medical panel with copayments
In addition to the premium, you must pay for each visit or consultation.
You can choose from all the medical centres and health professionals that are part of its medical staff.
The premium is usually lower than the previous one and the amount paid for each consultation is much lower than its actual “market” price.

Medical panel with reimbursement
You pay a premium and, in addition, you may have to pay for each consultation and in some cases, you pay for the consultation in advance.
You can choose from all the medical centres and health professionals that are part of its medical staff. These may be with or without copayment.
In addition, you can go to any doctor even if he or she does not belong to the company’s medical staff. In this case, you have to advance the price of the consultation. The insurance company will reimburse you the amount (usually between 70% and 100%).
The premium is higher.

Outpatient medical product
It gives access to the medical staff but not to hospitalization.

Dental insurance
Covers dental treatment and services.
It is usually included in the most complete insurance policies.

If you feel like comparing among companies you may use this link.

Most common insurance companies in Madrid

Every one of these companies have a great variety of plans but only Sanitas offer a specific plan for foreigners residing in Spain: SANITAS (Sanitas Health Plan), ADESLAS, ASISA, CIGNA and MAPFRE.

If you are planning to move to Madrid soon, you will find all the relevant information in The secret of relocating to Madrid. If, in addition, you need help with the organisation or even if we accompany you, check out our services.

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